يسمح يوم الاستعلام لمستخدميها بطرح الأسئلة ومعرفة رأي الآخرين.
QueryDay allows its users to ask questions and know what others' opinion is.
QueryDay allows its users to ask questions and know what others' opinion is. This way, QueryDay satisfies the innate human need of knowing what others think. This is all done with a visual and entertaining focus.
يفي يوم Queryday أيضًا بوظيفة اجتماعية من خلال السماح لمستخدميها بالتعبير عن أنفسهم ، وإظهار آرائهم والاحتجاج بشكل جماعي من أجل تغيير الأمور معًا.
QueryDay uses a sophisticated algorithm which ranks the questions to guarantee the greatest relevance (Trending Query). بالإضافة إلى ذلك ، يحتوي التطبيق على مجموعة من الفئات لأسئلتك. These go from news and politics or habits and customs to leisure and entertainment, etc…
With the app of QueryDay you can:
- Know the opinion of your friends, followers and society in general about topics which you find interesting.
- See the result of the opinion polls graphically displayed including the geographical location on a map (in a national and international level)
- Ask questions about any topic and travel through them with the possibility of adding images.
- Vote and comment on that which interests you.
- See the vote of your friends and followers
- Search and find new questions
- Identify Top Queries by Category through the Ranking
- Select and keep as Favourite the queries you like best.
- Follow people with your same taste and opinion (friends and celebrities)
- Gain trophies along your greater activity on the app (gamification)
Note: QueryDay is currently available in an initial version, still on its development stage. سنقدر ذلك إذا أعطتنا ملاحظاتك لإعلامنا بأي خطأ أو اقتراح لمزيد من التحسين من خلال إرسال بريد إلكتروني إلى [email protected]